Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Automotive | Dashboard swap - Wira lancer to Mitsubishi evolution 4 digital panel

Assalam and hello to everyone, this is the project i've recently done for my friend car and did it with full success...and the stories begin... with a time constraint i have right now.. i will only upload a pic with a caption... soon will update with a detailed description with each process.. thanks for stopping by..

Proton Wira
Wira with lancer dashboard manual aircond panel

looking at the dash wiring loom and others independent wiring

Microtech LT-10s as a standalone engine management system

the evo 4 dashboard stuff waited to be put in

Digital panel being tested using the oem wiring pack
wiring for the meter cluster swap

a guide for meter cluster wiring from wira to lancer

a per title said so... :D

the evo4 meter cluster wiring diagram

and it seems that all the necessary function works flawlessly 
you gotta have this digital speedometer converter to make your speedometer to work

wiring loom have been striped off to look for the aircond wiring
on the left is the evo4 cooling coil and the right one is the oem wira. can mod this with cutting the connector and welded to the evo 4 cooling coil pipe

the dashboard installed including the metal frame support that came with it

done reinstalling all the accessories

tested all are working as aspected

the microtech set mounted securely in the glove box

great feeling to done this project even with a swollen eyes and an empty tummy

in the morning my friend came to take the car :( coundn't even have much time with this stuff.. but honoured as i drove it to where it belongs..

Wrapped up and cleaned up all the things in my garage.. :D


  1. hi geng..boleh ajar mcmna nk wiring aircond evo tapi guna wiring ori wira 1.5

  2. Hi geng.. mcm 5bulan baru sia reply kan.. hehe sori ging.. lama nda buka ni.. wiring tu ko ble refer di tacra diy website ging.. complete sana..

  3. Salam bos, mana nak cari digital speedometer converter

  4. Boss wiring untuk fuel sensor warna apa ?

  5. Boss wira 1.8 auto masuk meter lancer Auto rpm8 boleh tak Nak uba apa tak thanks bosd
